→ Heliotrope Pajamas

A Very Short Metacompiler

I must hasten to point out that this is *not* actually a metacompiler! Rather it's a self-recognizing grammar and translator that could be extended to become a (meta-)compiler.


You might be familiar with META-II:

→ Val Schorre's 1963 MetaII (Wikipedia)

→ Bayfront Technologies Metacompilers Tutorial


→ https://github.com/advancingdragon/meta

→ https://loup-vaillant.fr/projects/metacompilers/

It turns out that there's an even smaller self-recognizing system!

"A Concise Extensible Metalanguage for Translator Implementation", Douglas L. Michels, 1978.

I found this comment on Stackoverflow:

A clever fellow named Doug Michels, associated a long time ago with the 1980s (Unix supplier) Santa Cruz Operation, told me that he had gone considerably further and reduced the metacompiler self description to a very small number of characters. I never saw the work so I don't really know how far he got.

[EDIT] Dig, dig, dig... found this gem (on Linkedin):

Bill McKeeman, Adjunct Faculty at Dartmouth said:

> Doug was my undergraduate student; his senior thesis assignment was simple: write the shortest, extendable, self-compiling compiler. The front end took 27 characters; the whole thing took 63. It all fit on one IBM card. He published the result.

Dig, dig, dig some more: This seems to be Doug's 27 character paper. See Figure 2. By "front end", McKeeman apparantly means "just the parser"; the paper contains full translators that are a little larger.

→ Comment by Ira Baxter in 2016

It's "A Concise Extensible Metalanguage for Translator Implementation", by Douglas L. Michels, 3rd USA-JAPAN Computer Conference, 1978.

The link to the paper gives me a 403 "Forbidden" response:

→ http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~mckeeman/cs48/mxcom/gem/html/michels1978.pdf

But I found a project called "Growing a compiler in matlab" on something called freesourcecode.net:

→ Growing a compiler in matlab

That provides a zipfile:

→ http://freesourcecode.net/sites/default/files/72297.zip

And in that zip file there is a copy of the PDF. (TODO: upload it to archive and add a link here.)

GO in GO

Without further ado:

l ".
  l & l "&
      & .
    & ""
      l "&
        l "l
          l ""

There are two binary prefix operators ``l`` and ``&`` for alternation and concatination respectively, a ``"`` unary prefix recognizer operator, and the ``.`` operator for recursion on the whole grammar.

go ::= l go go
     | & go go
     | " a
     | .

MO for GO

Miles specifies a simple interpreter for GO grammars in a pseudo-code. It's not very efficient, as Michels points out:

Fay [2] has demonstrated that a direct implementation of the interpreter executes painfully slow. He provides an example of a similar implementation that is easily implemented and has reasonable execution characteristics.

The reference [2] is to:

Fay, Michael, Bootstrapping a Small Translator Writing System, UCSC technical report 77-3-002, March 1977.

In any event, here's an implementation in Prolog (note that ``|`` is substituted for ``l``):

mo(Grammar, Input) :- mo(Grammar, Grammar, Input, []).

mo(['.'|_], Grammar) --> mo(Grammar, Grammar).

mo(['&'|Rest0], Grammar) --> mo(Rest0, Grammar), {skip(Rest0, Rest)}, mo(Rest, Grammar).

mo(['|'|Rest], Grammar) --> mo(Rest, Grammar).
mo(['|'|Rest0], Grammar) --> {skip(Rest0, Rest)}, mo(Rest, Grammar).

mo(['"', I|_Rest], _Grammar) --> [I].

skip --> ['.'].
skip --> ['&'], skip, skip.
skip --> ['|'], skip, skip.
skip --> ['"', _].

I feel like that shows very clearly the simple structure of the thing. You've got sequence (``&``), branch (``|``), and looping, (``.``); the only construct that actually consumes input is the quote operator (``"``); and skip is much cleaner thanks to DCG notation.

Emit (G1)

Something about the emit construct...


Rather than create a metacompiler in GO (which would be fun) let's instead use the META-II metacompiler and define a grammar fo GO in that.